WhatsApp OTP Scam
WhatsApp OTP Scam

You must be using WhatsApp to stay connected with your friends, colleagues, and others. WhatsApp is one of the most popular instant messaging apps. You already know that when you set up your WhatsApp first time or on a new device, you have to put your phone number then verify with the OTP code to use WhatsApp on your device.

Scammers are taking your WhatsApp account under their control through the OTP. They target for WhatsApp OTP Scam. Today I am explaining to you about the WhatsApp OTP scam. Read this post till the end to know more about this.


Here are the full details about the WhatsApp OTP scam.

The Scammers are target to take over your WhatsApp account. It is easy for a scammer on those accounts whose users are not very careful. The easiest way to take over WhatsApp is with the help of OTP. They use the OTP for scamming.

To set up your WhatsApp first time or on a new device then you have to put your phone number then verify with the OTP code to use WhatsApp on your device. One of the important things is that WhatsApp sends you the OTP on your phone number. WhatsApp never sends you the OTP unless you try to set up your WhatsApp account.

The Scammer will call you or message you and talk casually as friends or relatives that they have been logged out of their WhatsApp account. They need OTP to get back in. Also, they will say you they are locked out of their accounts and unable to receive the OTPs on their phone number. You will be receiving an OTP on the behalf of him. So, you have to share the OTP with them and you will get an OTP on your phone number.

You will automatically be logged out from your WhatsApp once you shared the OTP with them. You have been logged out of this device messages show on your app and your number is being used for WhatsApp on another device.

The Scammers are set up your WhatsApp number with the OTP you have shared. Now Scammer can use your WhatsApp on their phone in the wrong way.

How to get back if you shared your OTP?

If you shared the OTP to the Scammer and logged out from your WhatsApp then you have to immediately reset your WhatsApp. After this login again on your WhatsApp with your registered number. Enter the OTP to set up once you receive OTP. The Scammer will automatically log out once you reset your WhatsApp.

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