8 features of Google Translate - wordpress-504772-1601400.cloudwaysapps.com

For those who want to learn another language, Google has brought such a product so that you can understand and learn any language from home. Now you will not need anyone to learn the language. The name of this product is Google Translate.

What is Google Translate?

This is a service from Google that translates one language to another. With this, you can replace 103 languages ​​with each other.


This means if you do not understand any paragraph in English, then Google Translate will convert you to Hindi. It can translate not only English but also other foreign languages.

also read: Download the Hi Translate Language app and translation online

8 Features of Google Translate

1. Translate the language

Select the language by visiting the Google Translate website. Type what you want to change. Click on Translate. Whatever you have written will be converted into another language. Only 5,000 characters can be translated at a time.

2. Know your language well

In our language Hindi, there are some words that we do not know the meaning of. You can know them with Google Translate. If you do not know the meaning of “link”, then type in Hindi and know what else you can say “description” in Hindi / English.

3. Translate the document

Click on Translate a document and attach the text file that you want to translate. You can also translate ate Word document. Google Translate will translate that document into the selected language.

4. Translate the website

The Internet is full of information about work. You will get the best information on the Internet. Most of the good posts are in English. If you do not understand any English website, then copy and paste its URL into Google Translate. You will get that website available in your language.

5. Voice translate

You can also translate to Google by speaking, for this, you will need a headphone. Everything you say will be typed into Google Translate and converted to another language. This does not require typing the word.

6. Save whatever you translate

If you want to save your translation result, click on save to phrasebook. When logged in with a Google account, it will be saved.

7. Improve translation

If you do not agree with the results of Google Translator, then you can improve it. Many times we convert from Google Translate to Hindi, but its grammar is not correct. You can improve Google by improving the way that you call this translator.

8. To hear the translation

the translated word is used to listen in the same language. You click on the listen to option on Google Translate and it will tell you by speaking.


Google has given us a lot of services that we use in daily life so that we can improve ourselves. Google Translate is also a service that lets you understand any language and stay in touch with the people of the world.


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